What is WiFi Monetization ?
Generating additional revenue by harnessing the benefits of your untapped advertising real estate
and customer data embedded in your ability to provide internet connectivity to your stakeholders.
This is achieved by the Yourspot technology deployed within your managed network environment
to various Wi-fi hotspots.
We offer a plug and play monetization solution for your Wi- Fi hotspot/s. We developed a proprietary
ad serving mechanism that incorporates multiple ad sources and ensure maximum fill rates. You also
get access to a professional IAB accredited ad management platform and the ability to still drive your
own premium campaigns. You will retain all the functionality of your current hotspot platform and
configuration. We will insert ads before and after your current login procedure. A typical user journey
will be similar to the below. We developed our Yourspot Monetization engine by integrating best of
breed technologies to efficiently deliver the solution